Extended Reality process
What is XR?
How is XR different from remote viewing?
XR in your daily life
XR in your business
XR as a personal development tool
XR as a research tool
XR in education
"Lost" and hidden knowledge
Nikola Tesla
Henri Bergson
Rene Warcollier
Wolf Messing
Stefan Ossowiecki
Consciousness research in the late 1800s
Consciousness research in the early 1900s
Consciousness research from 1920 to the mid 1930s
What is the Mind Arcade?
What is the Subconscious?
The language of the Subconscious mind
The language of the Conscious mind
What is imagination?
Conscious vs Subconscious
Controlled Imagination
It's not a fight, it is a collaboration
Arcade #1
Arcade 2
Arcade 3
Arcade 4
Arcade 5
Arcade 6
Arcade 7
Additional Arcades
What is mind technology and why is it important?
Mind technology vs electronic technology
The machines in our mind
Where do these machines reside?
What is a construct?
Finding you own construct zone
Constructing your first mind machine
Why does this work?
Keeping the constructs clean
Understanding how our SC processes information
Images and the Subconscious
Feelings and the Subconscious
Why Conscious language and Subconscious are so different
The need for a common language between Conscious and Subconscious
Symbology vs Translated communication
The need for effective Subconscious communication
Constructing the bridge
The bridge is a mind machine
Constructing the bridge II
Testing the construct
Programming the processes
Teaching the new language to our Subconscious
Developing the language
Practicing the new language
Practice, Practice , Practice
Practicing in your daily life
The XR space
The XR sight
Developing our XR sight
What you see is what you get
XR sight calibration exercises
Improving the image - Focus
Improving the image - Brightness
Improving the image - Moving images
Improving the image - Still images
Black and White sight
Color sight
Inverted images and how to fix them
Is it 2D or 3D?
Additional exercises to improve XR sight
How smells come through in XR
Smells and the Subconscious
Smells and memories
Smells and feelings
How our sense of smell protects us
What our sense of smell can tell us about a place
What our sense of smell can tell us about an object
What our sense of smell can tell us about a person
What our sense of smell can tell us about an event
What our sense of smell can tell us about time
What our sense of smell can tell us about the weather and temperature
How to develop our XR sense of smell
How to practice with our XR smell
XR smell exercises
Smell, smell, smell
How sounds come through in XR
Hearing vs Listening
Sounds and the Subconscious
Sounds and memories
How our sense of hearing protects us
The sense of hearing and balance
What sound can tell us about a place
What sound can tell us about an object
What sound can tell us about a person
What sound can tell us about an event
Developing XR Hearing
Practicing XR Hearing
Practicing XR Hearing in your daily life
The sound if silence
Xr Hearing practice exercises
How we perceive touch in XR
Touch and the Subconscious
Touch and memories
How the sense of touch protects us
What touch can tell us about an object
What touch can tell us about a place
What touch can tell us about a person
What touch can tell us about an event
What touch can tell us about time
Developing our XR sense of touch
Practicing your sense of XR touch in your daily life
How taste comes through in XR
How our sense of taste protects us
What our sense of taste can tell us about a place
What our sense of taste can tell us about an object
What our sense of taste can tell us about a person
What our sense of taste can tell us about an event
What our sense of taste can tell us about time
Developing your XR sense of taste
Practicing XR Taste in our daily life
What is a query?
The anatomy of a query
The 5 w's
Queries and the Subconscious
How to structure queries correctly
Personal queries
Professional queries
Queries for research
Queries for creative writing
You truly can ask anything you want!
Responsible querying
Querying and intention
Setting your intention the right way
Always be clear with your intentions
Encoding your query
What is the query language?
Why do we need a query language?
The language
Other types of instructions
The query language and our Subconscious
The query language and controlled imagination
Understanding the query language
Creating and closing the query language container
Keeping the container closed during a query
Placing the activated container in our construct area
How long can the container stay in the construct area?
Removing the container
Re-using the query
What are data vortexes?
Why are data vortexes important?
Static data vortexes
Dynamic data vortexes
Hybrid data vortexes
Chasing a data vortex
Chasing multiple data vortexes
Data vortex chasing - Technique #1
Data vortex chasing - Technique #2
Data vortex chasing - Technique #3
Data vortex chasing - Technique #4
Data vortex chasing - Technique #5
What technique is best for you?
Query + Container + Data Vortex = Circuit
What is a circuit?
What is the purpose of the circuit?
How to prepare to create your first circuit
How fast can I go?
What happens of I lose contact with a data vortex?
Are circuits re-usable?
Sharing a circuit
Part III
What is a primary sense?
Identifying your primary sense
Using your primary sense to start a query
Your primary sense and how it is connected to the other senses
Acquiring the right mindset
Preparing for the query
Setting up the query
Defining your intention
Encoding the query
Setting up the query container
Adding the query to the query container
Activating the query container
Activating your XR space
XR space calibration
Finding "the center space"
Starting your XR query session
Additional points to consider
What is The Source?
Unlimited source of information
Time does not exist
Other considerations
Putting it all together
XR sight information
XR Hearing information
XR Smells information
XR Touch information
XR Taste information
Asking questions during the query session
Asking for specific information
To sketch or not to sketch?
It's all in your mind
The Villa
Setting up The Villa
The rooms inside The Villa
Working a query inside The Villa
The archives room
The Query Room
The Lounge
The Leisure Room
Additional notes
Steps to create a shareable circuit
How the query is encoded
How the query is decoded
Safe practicing
Professional XR Querying
Additional Notes
Become a member of the private XR graduate group
Recommended reading
Urban Sketching
Flash Sketching
Meets via Zoom every weekend for six months
A unique and original process with its own theories, concepts and methods for accessing non-local information.
Individualized 1:1 training alongside the classroom meetings
Involves techniques, theories and ideas from a variety of disciplines including Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, micro expressions, body language, psychology, Transurfing, behavioral science, linguistics , quantum physics and the study of vibration and frequency
Inspired by the work of Nikola Tesla, Henri Bergson, Rene Warcollier, Wolf Messing, Stefan Ossowiecki and many other great thinkers of the late 1800's to early 1900's
Designed to help you have a fully sensory experience while accessing information--you will see, hear, smell, taste and feel what is at the scene!
Ozz Sevilla